Ideathon regulations 2024

The application are closed! Thank you for your applications!

The first round of application will start the 29th of July at 12:00 UTC

Competition details


The Ideathon is an aerospace-related competition for European students organized by EUROAVIA. Participating teams will design solutions addressing challenges related to this year’s theme of sustainability, proposed by the sponsoring companies.


The competition comprises two physical phases, supported by online activities:


  • First Stage: October 26th to 31st, 2024 in Toulouse, France
  • Second Stage: December 1st to 6th, 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia


During the first phase, each participating team of 3-4 members will select a challenge proposed by a sponsoring company and develop a solution within 48 hours. After this period, the evaluation committee will review the designs and select a winning team for each challenge. These winning teams will qualify for the final stage, where they will further develop their initial solutions. The team that presents the best overall solution will be the winner of Ideathon 2024.


In the event of unavailability of the shortlisted teams, the organizers reserve the right to invite other teams based on the evaluation committee’s rankings.


Below the schedule* of both the phases of the competition, the time indicated is in CEST.

26th Oct 27th Oct 28th Oct 29th Oct 30th Oct 31st Oct
8:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 10:00
Welcome speech & Sponsors presentations
48h competition
48h competition
City tour
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
48h competition
48h competition
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
48h competition
Presentation of Work
Other activities
16:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 18:00
Meet & Greet
18:00 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:00
Welcome dinner
Final Dinner + Prize Delivery
20:00 - 21:00
48h competition
48h competition
Cultural night
21:00 - 22:00
Free time
22:00 - on

During the 48h competition, the teams will be provided with dinner, breakfast, and lunch.

*The schedule might be subject to change.

Teams' composition

Teams shall be composed of 3 (three) or 4 (four members. The competition is reserved for students enrolled in a university at the moment of the application. The event is open to bachelor’s and master’s degree students pursuing a BSc, MSc, BEng, MEng, or equivalent degree qualification. 


Every team shall appoint its Team Leader and communicate their name in the application form. Team Leaders will be the one and only contact point with the Ideathon organisation team. 


The teams are not encouraged to change the composition of their teams. Details on team changes are explained in the application rules.  


Categories and challenges

The challenges will be published on the21thof October. 


The teams will have until the 25th of Octoberto communicate to the organisation team the priority list of challenges. 

In case this has not been done within the deadline, teams will be assigned to a challenge. 


The chosen/assigned challenge will be communicated by the organisation committee on the 26th of October. 

Evaluation committee

The evaluation committee will be composed by appointed experts from each company and it will be announced before the beginning of the first phase of the competition.


EUROAVIA provides free participation to the final of the competition for the winning teams of the first phase of the competition. The winning team in the final and the other participating teams will win additional prizes in the final. 

The prizes will be announced during the first stage of the competition 

Application rules

The first round of applications opens on July 29th at 12:00 UTC and will remain open until August 28th at 12:00 UTC. Teams can be accepted on a rolling basis (as compared to waiting until the end of the deadline on August 28th), starting on August 5th at 12:00 UTC.  


Note: There is a maxmimum number of participating teams accepted to the competition. As applications are accepted on a rolling basis, it is advisable to apply as soon as possible within the application window.  

If necessary, a second round of applications will be opened on the 5th of September at 12:00 UTC and will close on the 13th of September at 12:00 UTC. During the second round of applications, teams are going to be accepted on a rolling basis from the moment the applications open.  


There are two methods to apply for the Ideathon: as a team or individually.  


Team Application: 


Only the team leader shall submit the application. 

The applications are processed as first-come-first-served, taking into account the diversity of universities represented. The application shall have the complete information with every team member of the team.  


Once the team application is submitted, the team leader will receive a confirmation email, which does not mean that the place of the team in the competition is secured. 


In case it is impossible to apply as a full team of 3 (three) or 4 (four) members, it is possible to apply to competition as individuals. 


Individual Applications: 


Individual applications are pooled to form teams of 3 or 4 members. Individual applications are accepted at the end of the first round of applications. Individual applications will be accepted following the first come first serve principle, taking into account the motivation of the member as stated in the application form.  

Individual applications will not be accepted under the following conditions: 

  1. No full teams can be filled with individual applications.  
  1. All slots for teams during the competition have been filled with team applications.  


In the application form for individual applications, individual applicants can submit preferences for other individuals that applied to the competition. In case individual applications can be accepted, the organisation team will attempt to consider these preferences.  


Note, that if you would like another individual to be part of your team according to your preferences stated in the application form, the applications should be handed in within the same timeframe. Otherwise, the first come first serve rule might not allow to accomodate for the stated preferences.  


After the applications are started to be processed (starting from the 5th of August for teams and 28th of August for individuals), the selected teams and individuals will receive an email confirming their acceptance and further information on the payment of the participation. 


The accepted teams will have 96 hours after receving their confirmation of participation to proceed with the payment and send the proof of payment to If no proof* is received within these 96 hours, the place will be given to the next team on the waiting list.  


Changes in the team’s composition are allowed until the 5th of September at 12:00 UTC. If a team is accepted in the second round of applications, the deadline for team changes is the 20th of September at 12:00 UTC. Team changes are to be communicated to and confirmed by the organisation team.  

If a member is removed from a team, the team member is not entitled to a refund of their participation fee. Any team member that is added to the team within the deadline has to complete the payment of the fee within 96 hours and send the proof of payment to 


An email will also be sent to the teams and individuals on the waiting list at the end of the first round of applications informing them about their waiting list position. 


*In the case the payment is to be done by an external organisation (e.g., university sponsoring the team) with a consequent delay, an additional period for this payment may be granted under the condition of signing a declaration of honour and providing a justification of this matter to be sent within the 96 hours. 

Participation fee and payment

The participation fee is personal (per person per team), it will cover the whole competition(meaning both the first and the final phase) and it is as follows: 


  • EUROAVIA member with accommodation: EUR 100,00/person 
  • EUROAVIA member without accommodation: EUR 65,00/person 
  • Non-EUROAVIA member with accommodation: EUR 130,00/person 
  • Non-EUROAVIA member without accommodation: EUR 85,00/person  


Fee with accommodation– First phase: it will cover the participation in the event, 5 nights of accommodation, each of the meals during the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of October (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), the dinner of the 26th of October and the breakfast of the 31st of October; and the transportation within the event (27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of October). Travel costs to the regions are not covered. Any other expense not stated here is not covered. 


Fee without accommodation – First phase: it will cover the participation in the event, each of the meals during the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of October (lunch, and dinner), and the transportation derived from the event’s activities within the event (27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of October). Travel costs to the venue are not covered. Any other expense not stated here is not covered. 


Fee with accommodation – Final phase: it will cover the participation in the event, 5 nights of accommodation, each of the meals during the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of December (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), the dinner of the 1st of December and the breakfast of the 6th of December; and the transportation within the event (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of December). Travel costs to the regions are not covered. Any other expense not stated here is not covered. 


Fee without accommodation – Final phase: it will cover the participation to the event, each of the meals during the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of December (lunch, and dinner), and the transportation derived from the event’s activities within the event. (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of December) Travel costs to the venue are not covered. Any other expense not stated here is not covered. 


Important remarks: 

(1) EUROAVIA International will verify the membership status for every member in every team and reserves the right to issue the extra fee to each non-EUROAVIA or inactive EUROAVIA member. 


(2) Payment methods accepted: 

  • Bank transfer 
  • Revolut 


(3) No refunds will be made once the full payment is completed. 


Shall you have any questions, please enquire us at  

Important dates

Date Milestone
Opening of Applications Window
Closing of Applications window
Opening of 2nd round of Application Window
Closing of 2nd round of Application Window
Publication of the challenges
Deadline to choose the challenge
Communication of the assigned challenges

*The present regulation may be subject to amendments, that will be promptly notified to all participants

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property of the developments

The organizers will not take responsibility for any action made by a participant and infringements of the confidentiality of the projects presented in this competition. 

Therefore, the participants are encouraged to take all the possible prevention measures to protect the information or the technical elements which can be subjected to Intellectual Property before taking part in the event. 

The participants commit themselves to inform the organizers about their Intellectual Property rights which are eligible for the work developed in this competition. 

The participants are not giving in its totality the rights that could arise from the ideas developed during the competition. However, they authorize to use parts of the development or the ideas for the dissemination of the event and the promotion of the candidates. Hence, this authorisation is done in order to help to the promotion of the competition, and it is a non-exclusive and non-limited time cession. 

Any other matter related with the Intellectual Property rights will be regulated by the corresponding European regulation: Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC. 

This authorization may be restricted if demanded by the company to be in accordance with the confidentiality of the project. 

If you have any questions please contact us at