
“For more than 50 years, Ansys engineering simulation software has enabled innovators across industries to push boundaries using the predictive power of simulation. The next great leaps in human advancement will be powered by Ansys.”

GTD Sistemas de Información offers top notch systems engineering solutions to the European space transportation industry, including flight software development, launch pad monitoring and control, and flight safety systems. They serve the Space and Launchers, Ground, and Earth Observation segments, delivering high assurance software solutions to prominent space industry clients. GTD stays at the forefront of NewSpace developments, providing ground systems for new spaceports and on board systems for microlaunchaunchers. As a trusted partner in the space industry, GTD has a permanent presence at the European Spaceport CSG.

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We have different sponsor packages which will give you the opportunity to appear regularly on our social media channels, share your events with our members, have a dedicated page in our magazine, offer conferences/seminars to our members, organize a joint event with us and much more. The opportunities available will depend on the sponsor package.

You can also check our brochure below.