2023 Edition

The previous edition of the Ideathon was held last year and consisted of two phases, with the first phase taking place in Terrassa, Spain, and the second in Munich, Germany.
During the first round, five teams looked for solutions to the challenges proposed by our sponsoring companies, Ansys and GTD.
Two of those teams advanced to the final round and traveled to Munich to compete again.
The team that won the first edition was UniBoss from Forlì-Bologna, excelling with their quick problem-solving and creative ideas, even surpassing the expectation of Ansys who sponsored the challenge.
We are EUROAVIA München and Terrassa

Our AS is located in the heart of Terrassa, one of the biggest cities in Catalonia and 20 minutes away from Barcelona. We make our members fall in love with the aeroespace world with many events and activities. Their experience can go further with UPC Space Program, where they have the opportunity to work with rockets, rovers…
“For more than 50 years, Ansys engineering simulation software has enabled innovators across industries to push boundaries using the predictive power of simulation. The next great leaps in human advancement will be powered by Ansys.”
“GTD Sistemas de Información offers top notch systems engineering solutions to the European space transportation industry, including flight software development, launch pad monitoring and control, and flight safety systems. They serve the Space and Launchers, Ground, and Earth Observation segments, delivering high assurance software solutions to prominent space industry clients. GTD stays at the forefront of NewSpace developments, providing ground systems for new spaceports and on board systems for microlaunchaunchers. As a trusted partner in the space industry, GTD has a permanent presence at the European Spaceport CSG.“