Students and industry.

EUROAVIA was founded in 1959 and one of its main objectives was to establish a network between students and companies.


Aerospace Engineering Students around Europe

We are represented in Europe, Egypt and India by Local Groups who spread the EUROAVIAn ideals.


Opportunities to all of members with events.

With symposia, fly-ins, workshops, congresses, trainings and other events at an international level, we give our members the opportunity to learn and make their network growth.

We are EUROAVIA Toulouse and Zagreb

Headquartered in the aviation capital of Europe, EUROAVIA Toulouse AS strives to bring together students from some of the main aviation universities in Europe. We are building a network of like-minded individuals who share the same passion for aviation.

EUROAVIA Zagreb is a non-profit student organisation
with its headquarters located on the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
(FMENA) in Zagreb. We are a part of the European
Association of Aerospace Students (EUROAVIA), which
consists of 42 countries across Europe and many more
from around the world.
We were established in 1999. with aim to connect
students and aerospace industries in our region. We
currently have 20 members, who are from the Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture and
the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

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